imagine eating for mental wellness

the power of food to make you feel great

The impact of eating healthily for our bodies has long been understood but research into the link between diet and mental health is giving insight into the benefits of foods to improve brain function and our mood.

eating is only part of the story

It’s not as easy as eating the right foods to make us feel better.

Psychological wellbeing is complicated, how we get to feel great is a combination of many things including environment and genetics but our approach to great mental health through food is a cyclical approach whereby eating well leads to being well which leads to feeling well – and back again so feeling well leads to eating well.

eat well

we think good food choice is a great place to start, there are many foods that have the ability to improve brain function but these alone might not provide the best long term solution for health and wellbeing. We like to focus on a healthy gut microbiome. The gut is directly connected to the brain and in constant communication so it makes sense to power up your gut microbes.

be well

Think about ‘gut feelings’, that’s right feeling from the gut. Keeping it happy puts you in a good place to be well throughout the day. Being well refers to our physiological state, exercise, fitness and daily activity, all the things that induce chemical reactions in the body to release endorphins and dopamine, the feeling that you get when you are achieving.


feel well

A positive mindset comes from a good functioning microbiome and daily activity contributing to feelings of well being. Mindfully promote feelings of well being through intention setting and positivity – it’s addictive.


eating is only part of the story

It’s not as easy as eating the right foods to make us feel better.

Psychological wellbeing is complicated. How we get to feel great is a combination of many things including environment and genetics, but our approach to great mental health through food is cyclical whereby eating well leads to being well which leads to feeling well – and back again so feeling well leads to eating well.

eat well

we think good food choice is a great place to start, there are many foods that have the ability to improve brain function but these alone might not provide the best long term solution for health and wellbeing. We like to focus on a healthy gut microbiome. The gut is directly connected to the brain and in constant communication so it makes sense to power up your gut microbes.

be well

Think about ‘gut feelings’, that’s right feeling from the gut. Keeping it happy puts you in a good place to be well throughout the day. Being well refers to our physiological state, exercise, fitness and daily activity, all the things that induce chemical reactions in the body to release endorphins and dopamine, the feeling that you get when you are achieving.


feel well

A positive mindset comes from a good functioning microbiome and daily activity contributing to feelings of well being. Mindfully promote feelings of well being through intention setting and positivity – it’s addictive.


fibre and your mental health

it's all about your gut microbiome

Gut health can be improved considerably by a higher fibre diet. Very few of us eat a diet that is rich in fibre that feeds the microbes in our guts and help release the functionality of food. Oats, nuts, fruits, vegetables and seeds are all good sources of fibre to nourish and are essential to good mental health.

Holistically we connect a good functioning gut microbiome to our body and our brains.

fibre and your mental health

it's all about your gut microbiome

Gut health can be improved considerably by a higher fibre diet. Very few of us eat a diet that is rich in fibre that feeds the microbes in our guts and help release the functionality of food. Oats, nuts, fruits, vegetables and seeds are all good sources of fibre to nourish and are essential to good mental health.

Holistically we connect a good functioning gut microbiome to our body and our brains.

major food groups

Healthy choice is a broad range of food macro and micro-nutrients

Foods can be divided into the different categories, macro nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats and really our bodies and brains need a mixture of all of them but not every type of them. We metabolise the nutrients of each to reap the benefits of a healthy body and mind.


Most people are aware of the power of protein to build muscle, but aside from muscle mass protein synthesis creates two types of amino acids, essential and non-essential. Essential amino acids include tryptophan that contributes to the proaction of serotonin – a ‘happy’ hormone good for feeling great.


Carbohydrates get broken down into two types of sugars, simple and complex. The simple ones are broken down quickly in the body – these often give short term energy. Complex carbohydrates provide fibre that nourishes your microbiome and are more effective at fuelling your body for longer.


There are fats that are good for your and your brain. The breakdown of fats into fatty acids can be characterised into unsaturated and saturated. Poly-unsaturated fats a derivative of unsaturated fats include Omega 3 and Omega 6, both of which are required for good brain function.

super food

essential micro nutrients - vitamins and minerals

Certain foods also have high values of micro nutrients also essential to brain health and function, these are vitamins – like vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin, and Magnesium great for the immune and nervous system. Certain foods deliver these in abundance.


As well as improving blood sugar control, oats contain both soluble and insoluble fibre, great for nourishing the gut. Oats are mineral rich with zinc, magnesium and selenium and other minerals that help the development of neurotransmitters in the brain improving mood and mental function.


Nuts are a great source of micro nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Brazil nuts for example are high in selenium, a mineral that reduces inflammation that is beneficial for better moods. Walnuts are a great source of hight levels of brain health supporting Omega 3.


Flax and chia seeds are great for mental wellbeing as they are rich in Omega 3 and dietary fibre. Pumpkin seeds deliver a punch with their tryptophan increasing properties which helps to create serotonin


Bananas are a good all-round superfood for both macro and micronutrients. The carbohydrates help the body absorb the amino acid tryptophan and the B-Vitamins help convert it into serotonin. Blueberries have been shown to improve mood with their high anthocyanin content, the thing that also makes them blue.


Folate from vegetables contributes to good mental well being and the fibre feeds your gut. Some vegetable also contain good quantities of Omega 3


Spices are brilliant for cognitive function, even just smelling cinnamon improves brain function. Turmeric – that bright sunny yellow makes you feel better by stimulating the release of serotonin.

bananas contain tryptophan, the chemical which induces serotonin

high in micro nutrients and tryptophan essential for serotonin production
high anthocyanin the thing that makes them blue... but not you
brazil nuts
mood boosting selenium goodness

sugar and sweetness

Healthy can’t be sweet right?

Refined sugars contribute to spikes in blood sugar levels that isn’t good for your microbiome. Natural sugars are a great way to get your sweet fix, coconut, maple syrup, date syrup and agave nectar are all good alternatives.

food and mental health in the news

keep up to date with all the latest news from the world of nutrition for mental health, scientific findings, food super heros and eating for your mental health


further reading

here I’ll share things the useful books, podcasts, articles and research that inspired matta mind food and help us grow our community


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